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On July 19, 2017, the European Standards Committee officially issued the new standard EN 115-1:2017 for the escalator. By January 31, 2019, the original escalator standard EN115-1:2008 will be abolished. The new structure resulting from the electrical requirements specified in the provisions of the protection, safety and control equipment and functions of the escalator has been improved accordingly. That is, from February 1, 2019, all the escalator products sold to EU countries will provide the CE certificate of the new standard EN 115-1:2017.
The main difference between the new standard and the original standard
1. For exterior trim panels: add any gaps or openings that may be at risk of contact with moving parts should be limited to 4mm. Applying a force of 250 N perpendicularly at any point on the exterior trim panel acts on a circular or square area of ​​2500 mm2 without rupture.
2. For the 5.2.4 access cover: EN 115-1: 2017 new requirements, if the access cover is more than one piece, then a safety device should be placed at the first opened access cover; and other consecutive The block access cover shall be prevented from being opened before the first access cover is opened; mechanical interlocking, overlap or separate safety cover shall be provided for each safety cover; the access cover shall be non-porous At the same time, it meets the requirements of the installation location (for example: handrail device, decorative panel, floor panel); the floor panel can be used as an access panel. In this case, the relevant requirements for accessing the cover also apply to the floor panels.
3. For 5.2.5 structural design: new comb plates and floor panels are added under the rated load of the structure, the maximum deflection should not exceed 4mm, and the comb teeth should be ensured.
4. For the step: EN115-1: 2017 new requirements, when passing a square steel backing plate with a thickness of at least 25mm and close to the side edge of the step, apply a vertical to the step on the area of ​​2500mm2 When the force of the tread is 1500N, the step tread on the apron side shall not be deformed more than 4mm at any position;
If the step tread is fitted with inserts or fixtures, the load shall only be applied to the insert or the fixture itself. The load area shall be 50 mm times the width of the insert or fixture; the applied force shall be constant in the vertical direction. During the test, the direction of the applied force should not change; there should be no permanent deformation.
5. For step kick: EN 115-1:2017 increases the load to be applied to the 3 positions (width direction) of the entire height centerline of the step kick plate, in the middle of the fully assembled step and At both ends, the applied force should be fixed, and the direction of the applied force should not change during the test. The steps should be fixed to the through or short shaft (if any) for testing. EN 115-1:2017 is the same as EN 115-1:2008, but the explanation is more specific.
EN 115-1:2017 imposes requirements on the strength of the inserts or fasteners mounted on the step kick plate. During the test, the load shall be applied to the position of the entire height centerline of the insert or fixture and the step kick plate on the kick plate. The load area shall be 50 mm times the width of the insert or fixture.
6. About 5.3.6 step or pedal missing detection device: EN 115-1:2017 specifies the installation position of the detection device. The safety device or function should be set at the return branch of the step or pedal in each drive station and steering station to ensure Implement this feature. However, the detection elements of the device must not be located in a straight section between the transition sections, as this does not belong to the drive station or part of the steering station.
7. Design for drive components: new requirements and descriptions for EN 115-1:2017, all drive components shall be designed to meet the requirements of nominal infinite fatigue life; drive components are movements and are thus applied Dynamic load components such as shafts, gears, and multiple rows of chains. The fixing of these components in the truss shall be in accordance with the specific requirements of these fixed components (eg European standards related to trusses, relevant standards for welding and screws).
8. For working brakes: new requirements for EN 115-1:2017,
It is proposed that the braking can be achieved electrically (for example using variable frequency braking) (;
Electromechanical brakes are still required for electrical braking (;
It is considered that as long as the control system immediately starts the braking process, it is not considered to have a deliberate delay (;
When electrically braking, the power supply of the electromechanical brake shall be cut off within 1 s after the completion of the electric brake (;
The time between the start of the electrical braking procedure and the action of the electromechanical brake shall not exceed 4 s and shall be monitored by a safety circuit or E/E/PE meeting the SIL2 rating (;
Electromechanical brakes shall act immediately when 1.2 times overspeed (, non-steering reversal (, and braking time exceeding (5.1 occur ( ;
9. Additional brakes for new requirements for EN 115-1:2017 ( and,
Electrical safety devices or functions shall be provided to detect the release of additional brakes after the escalator and moving walkway have been activated.
10.About apron panels: EN 115-1:2017 places requirements on the location of the installation. In the most unfavorable part of the apron board including lighting and other devices, a vertical force of 1500 N is applied to a square or circular area of ​​25 cm 2 . Above, the depression should not be greater than 4 mm and should not result in permanent deformation. The above requirements shall apply to the connection of the leading edge of the step or the tread of the pedal or tape to a height of 25 mm. The area above 25mm height shall comply with the force requirement ( for the armrest device 500N.
11. For apron plate anti-pinch device: EN 115-1:2017 has the following new requirements for the outer dimensions of the apron plate anti-pinch device.
Allowing a plane with a width ≤ 5 mm and perpendicular to the apron to be placed gradually after the downward (top) and upward (bottom) slopes, the shape of which should be at least 25° at a position where the rigid part is horizontally convex; if perpendicular to The platform of the apron board is followed by a straight slope with a slope of ≥25°, the width of the top platform is ≤10mm, the width of the bottom platform is ≤5mm; the underside of the apron plate anti-trap device should be made of suitable materials or suitable surface treatment, EN 115-1:2017 The requirements for the coefficient of friction between leather (wet and dry), PVC (dry) and apron are removed.
12. For the handrail: EN 115-1: 2017 added some content.
13.About Service space: EN 115-1:2017 adds that permanent fixtures are allowed if the permanent fixture is located at a circular corner with a maximum radius of 0.25 m and is at least 0.12 m above the stance area. In the standing area.
14. For 5.9 fire protection: new requirements for EN 115-1:2017, for commonly unclassified materials, conformity tests shall be carried out in accordance with EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 (according to EN 13823:2010+A1: 2014 [2] SBI test); for step surfaces and pedals with plastic parts on the tread surface or kick plate, the test surface shall be formed by a step or pedal with a plastic part, and the test shall be performed in a vertical position; if the running direction exists Continuously arranged plastic inserts or parts shall be tested separately for the plastic insert material forming the entire test surface in accordance with EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 (SBI test according to EN 13823:2010+A1:2014). Note: Continuous arrangement refers to the step with the plastic insert on both the tread and the kick plate and the pedal with the plastic insert in the running direction. The gap between the step and the pedal is not considered an interruption of the continuous arrangement. If a sprinkler or water mist system is used, such systems should be integrated and fixed into escalators and moving walkways, taking into account the special needs of the machine. The above new fire protection requirements are mainly for the bristles or strips of the step, pedal and apron plate anti-trap device.
15. About Electromagnetic compatibility: EN 115-1:2017 describes the required version and proposes that the latest version of the elevator and escalator standards EN12015:2014 and EN 12016:2013 should be met.
16. For handrail speed deviation: EN115-1:2017 modified the step or pedal speed, when the handrail speed is within 5s~15s, the deviation from the step or pedal speed is greater than +15% or - Stop the escalator or moving walkway at 15%.
17. For automatic operation (bidirectional start): EN115-1: New requirements for 2017, the automatic sidewalk is not allowed to use the two-way mode; the “first priority” principle, the escalator starts running in the direction of detecting the passenger first, and There should be an indicator on one side that says “No Entry”.
18. Regarding the manual emergency stop device: new requirements for EN 115-1:2017,
Escalators and moving walkways shall be provided with an emergency stop device to stop the escalator and moving walkway by an actuator that activates the stop device in an emergency. The actuator of the stop device should be located near the entrances and exits of the escalator and moving walkway in a clearly accessible position. At the entrance and exit, the stop switch should be operable in the outer steps of the steps and pedals. If the stop switch is located below half of the armrest height, the additional indicator should be placed inside the armrest unit.
19. For overhaul control: EN 115-1: 2017 new requirements, emphasizing the concept of "two-hand operation", moving button box maintenance running escalator must be operated by two hands: one hand to control the direction; the other Hand control operation
20. About 7.4 random data: EN115-1: 2017 added new requirements, information on the use of escalators and moving walkways: manual start (for example: need to check the steps, pedals, entrances and exits for people or items);
Information on emergencies: For escalators and moving walkways installed in seismic environments, descriptions of the conditions of escalators and moving walkways in the event of an earthquake and the need to maintain and periodically test the normal operation of seismic equipment should be included, in addition, Instructions for checking the safe operation of escalators and moving walkways after an earthquake event.
21. Regarding the interface between Appendix A and the building: EN 115-1:2017 (A.2.1) specifies the net height on the steps or tape of the escalator or on the moving walkway, including the area to the end of the steering end and All points in the unblocked area shall be not less than 2.30m. EN 115-1:2017 (A.2.4) states that a vertical guard with no sharp edges should be rigidly fixed over the handrail, especially at the intersection with the slab and between the escalators or moving walkways. The height should not be less than 0.30m and extend at least 25mm from the lower edge of the handrail.
EN 115-1:2017 (A.2.5) adds the assumption that this clear area will not be affected by other passenger flows in the building. The above size requirement is the minimum allowable size that should be met in all cases. Unblocked areas must not overlap, but allow lateral offset. The ground in the unobstructed area should be flat, allowing a maximum inclination of 6° and no fixed stairs inside.
EN 115-1:2017 (A.2.5) adds that if escalators and moving walkways are blocked by building structures (eg gates, fire doors, movable obstacles) or between continuously arranged escalators and moving walkways In the case of an exit, an additional emergency stop switch should be provided and meet the following requirements: accessible on escalators and moving walkways; measurement from the top of the handrail to the middle of the operating mechanism (eg button or handle) The value should be within 200 mm of the handrail or 400 mm above the vertical range. If the arrangement and handling method can eliminate the risk of being caught, it is allowed to be installed inside or outside the handrail device.
EN 115-1:2017 added A.4 measures to prevent the entry of shopping carts and baggage carts. If the use of shopping carts or baggage carts on escalators and moving walkways creates a reasonably foreseeable hazard, adequate measures should be taken. Eliminate the hazard; use a blocking device to prevent entry.
EN 115-1:2017 adds the requirements for A.5 fixed guide blocking devices and traffic columns. If the clear area requires fixed guide blocking devices or traffic columns (including control devices and emergency stop devices used in emergency situations), The design should not pose other risks.
22. Determination of the anti-skid performance of Appendix J: EN 115-1: 2017 adds the anti-skid rating of the pedal for outdoor inclined sidewalks. The level of slip resistance of the surface covering material should be evaluated in all directions.
The coverage of the general facility should be at least R9. When affected by rain and snow, the anti-skid rating of the escalator and moving walkway cover should be R10, and the anti-skid rating of the pedal for the inclined moving walkway should be R11.
23. With regard to Appendix M for escalators and moving walkways for seismic environments: EN 115-1:2017 has new entries specifying permanent installation in buildings complying with EN 1998-1:2004 (European Specification 8) Special regulations and safety regulations for escalators and moving walkways. Escalators and moving walkways within the scope of this standard shall comply with the relevant safety requirements and/or protective measures of this appendix when installed in a seismic environment.

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